
Washi Tape Factory (WTF for short) is a washi tape supplier based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Washi tape is a type of Japanese paper-textured tape that is popular for decorating books, pens, keyboards, phone cover.. the possibilities are endless. Here at WTF, we offer local and imported washi tapes.

As we noticed that there is quite a high demand for washi tape in Jakarta, yet there are only few washi tapes supplier, we would like to help our customers to pick the best tapes. Ultimately, we want to spread the love for washi tapes in our town.

In order to accomplish this, we will create an e-commerce website. This is the early draft for our web design:


As you can see from above, the website will contain these things:

  • Title bar.
  • Date.
  • Title tag.
  • Text navigation bar.
  • Sign up and login buttons.
  • Shopping cart.
  • Image objects, representing (in this case) the new items for the month.

We will also include these following things in our website:

  • Admin page.
  • Sign up and login page.
  • A database containing customer information table, product information table, and past transactions table.
  • Several JavaScript actions.
  • Framework (if possible).

This is the end of our proposal. We sincerely thank you for your kind attention.

Jessy Janlie 1801443561
Vincent Wonginsidi 1801444425

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